Sustainable Finance

Welcome to my site!

  • Economics of Climate Change
  • Green & Sustainable Finance
  • Energy Economics/Finance

Research / Publications

My academic work at the finance department of Frankfurt School.

Policy - Media - Opinion

Selected references to press articles, posts or interviews.

Frankfurt School -
UNEP Centre

I am "Head of Research" at the Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre.

Green & Sust. Finance Cluster Germany

Vice Chair of the Board of the "Green & Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany".

Research Platform Sustainable Finance

We are a network of institutions providing research-based policy advice in Sust. Fin.

World Bank - Clean Investment Funds

I am member of the advisory group to the Climate Investment Funds at World Bank.

I am professor for sustainable energy finance at the faculty of Frankfurt School and Head of Research of the UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance. My broader research interests are the economics of climate change, sustainable finance and  climate finance.

In 2012 to 2014 I was representing Germany in the UN Standing Committee on Climate Finance. Currently I serve as Vice Chair of the Advisory Group to the Clean Investment Funds (CIFs) at World Bank and as Vice Chair of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany (GSFCG). I am also happy to be a founding member of the “Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance” in Germany.

In the past, I was deputy head of the department of „Environmental and Resource Economics and Environmental management“ at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, Germany. My main research areas there: international climate policy, the analysis of carbon regulation, carbon emissions trading, and policy instruments to promote renewable energy. I led a number of research projects, e.g. on behalf of German Federal Ministries or the European Commission.

Thereafter I joined KfW Development Bank, where I was dealing with the practice of financing renewable energy and energy efficiency in developing and newly industrialized countries within the German development co-operation. I hold a Diploma in Physics and a PhD in economics from the University of Heidelberg.



  • K. Kempa, U. Moslener, 2023, Deep uncertainty and the transition to a low-carbon economy, Energy Research & Social Science 100, 103060. DOWNLOAD (open access).
  • W. P. Pauw, U. Moslener, L. H. Zamarioli, N. Amerasinghe, J. Atela, J. P. B. Affana, B. Buchner, R. J. T. Klein, K. L. Mbeva, J. Puri, J. T. Roberts, Z. Shawoo, C. Watson & R. Weikmans, 2022, Post-2025 climate finance target: how much more and how much better?, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2022.2114985   DOWNLOAD
  • Kempa, K., Moslener, U., Schenker, O., 2021. The cost of debt of renewable and non-renewable energy firms, Nature Energy Vol. 6, S. 134-142.
  • Bechtoldt, M.N., Götmann, A., Moslener, U. &. Pauw, W.P., 2021. Addressing the climate change adaptation puzzle: A psychological science perspective. Climate Policy, 21(2), 186-202.
  • Kempa, K., Moslener, U., 2020. If a Measure Becomes a Target: How Maximizing Mobilized Private Climate Finance May Backfire, Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht Vol. 43(1), S. 26-40.
  • Stender, F., Moslener, U., Pauw, W., 2019. More than money: does climate finance support capacity building?, Applied Economics Letters 27(15), 1247-1251.
  • Kempa, K., Moslener, U., 2017. Climate Policy with the Chequebook: an Economic Analysis of Climate Investment Support, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy Vol. 6(1), S. 111-129.
  • Hoffmann, F., Inderst, R., Moslener, U., 2017. Taxing Externalities under Financing Constraints, Economic Journal Vol. 127(606), S. 2478-2503.
  • Kostka, G., Moslener, U., Andreas, J., 2013. Barriers to increasing energy efficiency: evidence from small-and medium-sized enterprises in China, Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 57, S. 59-68.
  • Böhringer, C., Moslener, U., Oberndorfer, U., Ziegler, A., 2012. Clean and Productive?: Empirical Evidence from the German Manufacturing Industry, Research Policy Vol. 41(2), S. 442-451.
  • Löschel, A., Moslener, U., Rübbelke, D., 2010. Energy Security: concepts an indicators, Energy Policy Bd. 38(4), S. 1607-1608.
  • Löschel, A., Moslener, U., Rübbelke, D., 2010. Indicators of Energy Security in Industrialised Countries, Energy Policy Vol. 38(4), S. 1665-1671.
  • Böhringer, C., Löschel, A., Moslener, U., Rutherford, T., 2009. EU Climate Policy Up to 2020: an Economic Impact Assessment, Energy Economics Vol. 31(Supl. 2), S. 295-305.
  • Moslener, U., Requate, T., 2009. The Dynamics of Optimal Abatement Strategies for Interacting Pollutants: an illustration in the greenhouse, Ecological Economics Vol. 68(5), S. 1521-1534.
  • Moslener, U., Sturm, B., 2008. A European Perspective on Recent Trends in U.S. Climate Policy, European Environment Vol. 18(5), S. 257-275.
  • Moslener, U., Sturm, B., 2008. Aktuelle US-Klimapolitik: was kommt nach Georg W. Busch?, Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht Jg. 31(3), S. 417-428.
  • Böhringer, C., Koschel, H., Moslener, U., 2008. Efficiency Losses from Overlapping Regulation of EU Carbon Emissions, Journal of Regulatory Economics Vol. 33(3), S. 299-317.
  • Brandt-Pollmann, U., Winkler, R., Sager, S., Moslener, U., Schlöder, J., 2008. Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Constant Control Delays, Computational Economics Vol. 31(2), S. 181-206.
  • Dannenberg, A., Mennel, T., Moslener, U., 2008. What Does Europe Pay for Clean Energy?: Review of Macroeconomic Simulation Studies, Energy Policy Vol. 36(4), S. 1318-1330.
  • Böhringer, C., Moslener, U., Sturm, B., 2007. Hot Air for Sale: a Quantitative Assessment of Russia’s Near-Term Climate Policy Options, Environmental and Resource Economics Vol. 38(4), S. 545-572.
  • Anger, N., Böhringer, C., Moslener, U., 2007. Macroeconomic Impacts of the CDM: the Role of Investment Barriers and Regulations, Climate Policy Vol. 7(6), S. 500-517.
  • Moslener, U., Requate, T., 2007. Optimal Abatement in Dynamic Multi-Pollutant Problems when Pollutants can be Complements or Substitutes, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Vol. 31(7), S. 2293-2316.
  • Böhringer, C., Klaassen, G., Moslener, U., 2007. Technology transfer and investment risk in international emissions trading, Climate Policy Vol. 7(6), S. 467-469.
  • Böhringer, C., Hoffmann, T., Lange, A., Löschel, A., Moslener, U., 2005. Assessing Emission Allocation in Europe: an Interactive Simulation Approach, Energy Journal Vol. 26(4), S. 1-21.
  • Böhringer, C., Lange, A., Moslener, U., 2005. Der EU-Emissionshandel im Zielkonflikt zwischen Effizienz, Kompensation und Wettbewerbsneutralität, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik Bd. 6(3), S. 309-323.
  • Lange, A., Moslener, U., 2004. A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush?: When Do We Prefer Something Certainly Dirty to Something Perhaps Clean?, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Vol. 29(1), S. 35-51.
  • Zielonkowski, M., Manek, I., Moslener, U., Rosenbusch, P., Grimm, R., 1998. Manipulation of spin-polarized atoms in an optical dipole-force trap, Europhysics letters Vol. 44(6), S. 700-706.
  • Engler, H., Manek, I., Moslener, U., Nill, M., Ovchinnikov, Y., Schlöder, U., Schünemann, U., Zielonkowski, M., Weidemüller, M., Grimm, R., 1998. Optical traps for quantum gases, Applied Physics B Lasers and Optics Vol. 67(6), S. 709-718.

Artikel in deutschen Fachzeitschriften

  • Löschel, A., Moslener, U., 2009. Ende der Energiewende?: Die Finanzkrise kennt noch einen weiteren Verlierer: die erneuerbaren Energien, Internationale Politik Jg. 64(6), S. 24-27.
  • Löschel, A., Moslener, U., 2008. Handel mit Emissionsrechten und Herkunftsnachweisen in Europa: das „Klima- und Energiepaket“, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft Jg. 32(4), S. 248-253.
  • Löschel, A., Moslener, U., Rennings, K., Sturm, B., 2008. Wegweiser für die „Bali-Roadmap“: ökonomische Konzepte für die Klimaverhandlungen nach Bali, Wirtschaftsdienst Jg. 88(1), S. 28-30.
  • Böhringer, C., Hoffmann, T., Moslener, U., Sturm, B., 2006. Kurzfristige Auswirkungen des EU-Emissionshandels auf Strompreise und Energieträgereinsatz in Europa, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft Jg. 30(4), S. 293-298.
  • Böhringer, C., Koschel, H., Moslener, U., 2005. Emissionshandel, Ökosteuer und Förderung erneuerbarer Energien: ökonomische Überlegungen zum Zusammenwirken dreier Instrumente in der Praxis, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft Jg. 29(1), S. 29-46.

Contact: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH, Adickesallee 32-34, 60332 Frankfurt am Main, Email: u.moslener[at]